A Committed Circle - A CIRCLE OF STONES
“And while I stood there I saw more than I can tell and understood more than I saw; for I was seeing in a sacred manner the shapes of all things in the spirit, and the shape of all shapes as they must live together like one being. And I saw that the sacred hoop of my people was one of many hoops that made one circle, wide as daylight and as starlight, and in the center grew one mighty flowering tree to shelter all the children of one mother and one father. And I saw that it was holy. ”
Black Elk’s words point us so clearly to the mystery, and the circle. We ARE a circle, with no beginning and no end, and that is a mystery. We Lovingly Call Ourselves “A Circle of Stones.”
Why a Circle? We are being called to unity, acceptance, tolerance (notice how you respond to that word) and a deep feeling of love. A circle provides the container for all of those expressions, as well as a noticing of what is not that. We are being called to notice, feel and at times, respond.
Why Shamanism? Shamanism is a very sacred and ancient practice. In fact, it is believed to be the oldest healing modality on the planet. Shamanism provides us with an integrative healing process, and its power is truly felt in the bones with ripples of direct revelation, clarity and inspiration.
Why the Medicine Wheel? The wheel is a circle that provides an invitation to awakened consciousness and a deep connection with the Earth and all of our relations. We are being called to know ourselves and our highest purpose at this time. We are being called.
The Dance. The Medicine Wheel gives us a circle of knowledge that we can breathe into our hearts, our lives and our actions, and when we invest a year in these teachings, we learn the steps of the dance to repeat each year for the rest of our lives. We will remember that we are connected to all that live on the Earth, we will remember that the minerals, plants and animals are our teachers, we will hear the stories that the wind can bring us, we will hear the wisdom of the rocks that have been here since the beginning of time, we will listen to the plant’s messages of health and vitality, and we will listen to the animals as they give us their gifts of love and their lessons of life. The Medicine Wheel is a powerful circle that holds all of these teachings. It provides us the space for a beautiful and life-transformative dance. Aho!
The Natural World. In my humble belief, everything in nature has something to teach us, something about connection. Water reminds us to stay in the flow of life, both allowing and surrendering. The birds inspire us to fly high inside of ourselves, and to gracefully ride the currents of our lives. The earth reminds us to take care of her, because she provides all that we need to live. The sound of the wind blowing through the trees provides calm, comfort when we are experiencing intense currents of change. The four-legged ones remind us to walk in a grounded manner, with hearts filled with unconditional love, and fire reminds us to transform what no longer serves us, so we have room for Spirit. Those that swim in the waters of the earth teach us to communicate on waves of vibration. These concepts are not provable, but seem undeniably real to me. How do they resonate with you? You can read more about the power of nature to heal here.
The Schedule. Although the Medicine Wheel offers its wisdom following a four (4) quarter/annual calendar, you have an opportunity to explore the medicine on a quarterly schedule. And, you can complete the four (4) quadrants in whatever order you choose. However, you must complete all four (4) quadrants in order to receive certification and qualify to enter the second year of the shamanic apprenticeship.
During each quadrant, we will share two and a half hours every other Thursday evening for 3 months on Zoom. The Spring Quadrant (Eagle Medicine) begins on or around the Spring Equinox and we explore Clarity, Wisdom, and Illumination; the Summer Quadrant (Coyote Medicine) begins on or around the Summer Solstice and we explore Growth, Trust, and Love; the Fall Quadrant (Bear Medicine) begins on or around the Fall Equinox and we explore Experience, Introspection and Strength; and the Winter Quadrant (Buffalo Medicine) begins on or around the Winter Solstice and we explore Cleansing, Renewal, and Purity. In addition to circle time, included is one private hour with me each month to be used any way you choose.
Check the schedule for this year’s dates. For details on joining the first year circle, please click here
The Prerequisites. In order to learn the shamanic journey process, a one-time prerequisite to studying the Medicine Wheel is attendance at Self-Healing Through Shamanic Journey. This applies both for beginners and for those who have previously studied shamanism. In addition, it is highly recommended that before exploring your first quadrant of the Medicine Wheel you schedule two private sessions – a Chakra Clearing that helps release limiting behaviors and thought processes and a Soul Retrieval Ceremony that helps to reclaim your birthright gifts and essence that you may have set aside as a result of life’s traumas. Once these prerequisites are met they do not need to be repeated when you choose to study another quadrant of the medicine wheel.
The Second Year. There is continued exploration offered after completion of the first year. In the second year of the apprenticeship, we deeply explore the concepts, ethics, feelings, and tools needed to, journey for another to retrieve power, or guides, explore sound healing, create ceremony, and do a soul retrieval ceremony. In the first part of the second year training, we dive deeply into the ethics and skills required to bring your gifts to others. As we progress through the second year training, you will receive the skills needed to journey for others, use sound healing in your practice, create ceremonies, and learn to engage with the world of Spirit to do a Soul Retrieval Ceremony for others.
Check the schedule for this year’s dates. For details on joining the first year circle, please click here.